Ventricular Rhythm Disorders Surgery


Operative intervention can be performed if the above treatments fail. These treatments can often be delivered minimally invasively.

Support for patients and their families

It is very important to understand that patients with ventricular rhythm disorders often require counselling and support through their illness. Family members may sometimes also need to undergo genetic screening.

Sometimes we also need to offer remote monitoring of cardiac rhythm with sophisticated new devices which allow us to better manage your condition and offer greater reassurance to you.

The team at The Keyhole London Heart Clinic can access the best diagnostic modalities, as well as world class clinical advice and treatment for patients with heart rhythm abnormalities of all types. Our approach is team based and incorporates clinicians from many disciplines to maximise your response to treatment.

Ventricular rhythm disorders, or ventricular arrhythmia, is when a person experiences abnormal heartbeat that originates in the bottom chambers of their heart, known as ventricles. A ventricular rhythm disorder can become very serious and may require a clinical team specialising in arrhythmia to perform surgery, such as our team Keyhole Heart Clinic.

Types of Ventricular Arrhythmia

There are several different types of ventricular rhythm disorders, many of which share similar symptoms. To be diagnosed with the correct type of ventricular arrhythmia will require speaking to a team of electrophysiology and cardiology specialists. Types of ventricular arrhythmia include:

Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)

This abnormal heartbeat disorder is often found in people who have already experienced problems with their heart health, including a heart attack. A normal heartbeat will beat between 60 and 100 times per minute when at rest, whereas someone with ventricular tachycardia can experience over 100 beats per minute. Because your heart is beating so many times per minute, this can prevent your ventricles from filling up with blood properly, causing less blood to be pumped around your body. Symptoms of ventricular tachycardia include heart palpitations, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and feeling sick and light-headed.

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Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)

Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) is caused by faulty electrical signals near your ventricles, making a person have an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia). If the electrical system around the lower chambers of your heart is not working properly, this will cause your heart to beat much faster than normal. Usually, this will cause a sudden increase to 100 beats per minute or more, which can happen whilst resting or exercising. Supraventricular Tachycardia can occur at any age, but people tend to experience first symptoms between 25 and 40.

The main symptom of Supraventricular Tachycardia is when your heart suddenly beats faster, this can last a few minutes, or in some cases, a few hours. You may experience this several times a day or as little as once a year, depending on the individual. Other symptoms include feeling lightheaded, dizzy and tired, chest discomfort, pounding feeling in your neck and shortness of breath. Certain things can trigger Supraventricular Tachycardia, including caffeine, alcohol, drugs and tiredness. In some cases, cutting down on these things and quitting smoking can improve the symptoms of Supraventricular Tachycardia.

Ventricular Fibrillation

Ventricular Fibrillation is one of the most serious ventricular arrhythmias that is caused by a problem in the electrical system in the heart’s lower chambers. This is a rare type of Ventricular Arrhythmia that causes rapid and disorganised heartbeats which can lead to loss of consciousness. Ventricular Fibrillation is a medical emergency that must be treated immediately.

How Are Ventricular Rhythm Disorders Diagnosed?

If you are experiencing symptoms of a ventricular rhythm disorder or have a family history of arrhythmia, we recommend speaking to a cardiology and electrophysiology specialist to receive a diagnosis. To learn whether you have a ventricular rhythm disorder and how severe it is, you will likely undergo a heart screening that will allow an insight into your current condition. This will involve an electrocardiogram (EGM), a painless and simple procedure that measures your heart’s electrical system, electrodes are placed on your chest to record the electrical signals of your heart, which will only take a few minutes.

Depending on your symptoms, other steps could be involved to determine a diagnosis, including an echocardiogram (echo) – an ultrasound scan of your heart. In some cases, an electrophysiological (EP) study will be necessary to help locate the problems with electrical signals in your heart. If your symptoms are triggered throughout your day by exercise, you may be given a device to monitor your heart’s activity.

With this information, the clinical team at the Keyhole Heart Clinic will be able to diagnose if you have a ventricular rhythm disorder, if you do, we will be able to provide clear information on the next steps and treatments available.

What Ventricular Arrhythmia Treatment is Available?

How severe your ventricular rhythm disorder and which type of arrhythmia you have will determine which treatment is right for you. You may be prescribed with medication to help prevent the symptoms of your ventricular rhythm disorder. In more severe cases, you might be recommended to have catheter ablation.

Catheter ablation is when thin tubes are placed into your heart to correct the problems in the electrical systems, which can be achieved through keyhole surgery. Traditional catheter ablation is inserted through the groin. If this is not possible or not appropriate for your condition, our specialist can perform a catheter ablation through small holes between your ribs. At the Keyhole Heart Clinic, we specialise in minimally invasive surgery that causes minimal pain and discomfort, no broken bones and much shorter recovery time in comparison to traditional heart surgery.

Support for patients and their families

Some arrhythmias can be hereditary, meaning your family members may sometimes also need to undergo genetic screening. At the London Heart Clinic, we understand the worry and concern you and your family will have when diagnosed with a ventricular rhythm disorder. For this reason, we offer all our patients and their families specialist advice and treatment. It is very important to understand that patients with ventricular rhythm disorders often require counselling and support through their illness.

The team at The Keyhole London Heart Clinic can access the best diagnostic modalities, as well as world-class clinical advice and treatment for patients with heart rhythm abnormalities of all types. Our approach is team-based and incorporates clinicians from many disciplines to maximise your response to treatment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to our friendly team of experts today and book in your consultation.


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If you have any questions about any kind of heart surgery - or want to chat to one of our friendly team - please feel free to get in touch and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
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